Q & A
New species get identified and named every year, even though you've probably never heard of them.
A study has now revealed that the daily activity of these insects modifies soil composition and therefore influences the results obtained in paleoclimatic studies. The researchers also found that the ants transport fossils.
For more than 30 million years after dinosaurs first appeared, they remained inexplicably rare near the equator, where only a few small-bodied meat-eating dinosaurs eked out a living.
Dinosaurs were among our planet’s most diverse land animals. They ranged from the chicken-sized Microraptor zhaoianus...
The Tyrannosaurus rex was a nightmarish lizard, a menacing meat-eater that chomped down on other dinosaurs like the...
It is hard to imagine billions of tonnes of rock suddenly start to splosh about like a liquid - but that is what happened when an asteroid struck the Earth 66 million years...
For 165 million years, dinosaurs dominated land, sea, and sky. Long-necked Brachiosauruses lumbered along like mobile four-story buildings....
Researchers have examined the youngest-ever specimen of tylosaur ever found. Like orcas, mosasaurs might have used their bony noses to strike prey.
No, they weren't all gargantuan, green creatures that couldn't evolve.
Million years ago, not far from Belfast, dinosaurs once roamed Northern Ireland.