Q & A

Fri, 2018-06-01

Dinosaurs dominated Earth for over 140 million years before having their reign ended by a colossal asteroid impact....

Mon, 2018-05-28

With more than 5.6 million articles, Wikipedia is an invaluable resource, whether you’re throwing a term paper together at the last minute, or checking to see if Netflix has any plans to bring Dinosaurs back from extinction.

Wed, 2018-05-16

Imagine a hummingbird sitting on a tiny nest filled with even teenier eggs. Adorable, right? Now picture a dinosaur the size of a fully grown hippopotamus settling onto its eggs—sounds like a recipe for a dinosaur omelet.

Sat, 2018-05-12

"99 out of a 100 times you’re going to find a fish. And then sometimes you get a little insect or a leaf, something that gives you a little surprise. But to find a mammal," Hebdon said, "it’s crazy rare to even have them out here."

Tue, 2018-04-24

French auction house Binoche et Giquello has sold two dinosaur skeletons at top dollar.

Sat, 2018-04-14

Here's a brainteaser: Do the 520-million-year-old fossils of an ancient, bug-like creature actually show a silhouette of its brains? Or are these blobby shapes in its head merely fossilized bacteria?

Fri, 2018-04-13

The Stegosaurus has the smallest brain for its body size of any known dinosaur. Its body was the size of a...

Sun, 2018-04-08

Carnivores may have lived to 30 years, herbivores far longer.

Fri, 2018-03-23

The ocean may be the origin of all life on Earth, but that isn’t to say that all the animals who evolved on land left the water behind forever.

Fri, 2018-03-16

A complete new examination taking a gander at varieties in Ichthyosaurus, a typical British Jurassic ichthyosaur (maritime reptile) otherwise called ‘Ocean Dragons’, has given...
