
Jurassic World 3's Opening Delivers On What Spielberg Dreamed Of

Monday, June 21, 2021

Jurassic World: Dominion will open by showing audiences the dinosaurs living 65 million years ago, which is something Spielberg couldn't do in 1993.

The opening scene of Jurassic World: Dominion will deliver sights that Steven Spielberg could only dream of when he made Jurassic Park. Director Colin Trevorrow's 2022 dinosaur movie will close out both his Jurassic World trilogy and the 6-film Jurassic saga Spielberg launched in 1993. However, five minutes of Jurassic World: Dominion footage will accompany IMAX screenings of Fast & Furious 9 so fans can get an early glimpse of the dinosaurs in their literal heyday.

When it was released 28 years ago, Jurassic Park was an astounding, state-of-the-art blockbuster that delivered completely realistic dinosaurs, which was something audiences had never experienced before. A blend of cutting-edge CGI technology and Stan Winston's animatronics, Jurassic Park was also a roller-coaster adventure story but it was the dinosaurs that truly dazzled and left an indelible impression that has lasted for a generation. Yet despite the revolutionary technical wizardry Spielberg and his visual effects team employed to bring prehistoric beasts like the T-Rex, the Brachiosaurus, and Velociraptors to life - and what they achieved still holds up to modern VFX standards - CGI was still in its infancy and they were limited by the technology of the era. Spielberg also maintained the general plot of Michael Crichton's Jurassic Park novel so the director's dinosaur dreams were contained to the dinosaur theme park run amok.

Back in 1993, Spielberg couldn't deliver a sequence like Jurassic World: Dominion's prologue: Trevorrow opens his film back in the Cretaceous era, 65 million years ago. Fans will get to the dinosaurs as they really lived and they'll witness the literal origin of Jurassic Park. In Dominion's opening scene, which also introduces several species of real-life dinosaurs the Jurassic movies haven't shown before, a T-Rex gets into a fight with and is killed by one of the film's new dinos, the Gigantosaurus. However, a mosquito lands on the T-Rex's corpse and sucks its blood before becoming trapped in a tree's amber - and this is the exact same mosquito that InGen recovered and tapped for dinosaur DNA, which enabled John Hammond's (Richard Attenborough) geneticists to clone the T-Rex and the dinosaurs of Jurassic Park!

Jurassic World: Dominion's prologue is an ingenious way to bring the story full-circle and homage another of Jurassic Park's memorable sequences when Hammond gave Dr. Alan Grant (Sam Neill), Dr. Ellie Sattler (Laura Dern), and Dr. Ian Malcolm (Jeff Goldblum) a tour of Jurassic Park's genetics lab to see how the dinosaurs were made. They watched an amusing animated short film describing how a fly bit a dinosaur, got trapped in amber, and had its blood containing dino DNA extracted so that InGen's scientists could clone dinosaurs. Although in the cartoon, the fly bit a Brachiosaurus and not a T-Rex, Jurassic World: Dominion's opening sequence is still the same origin story fully realized.

Jurassic Park's origin cartoon was a snappy and entertaining way to convey Michael Crichton's pseudo-science explaining how the dinosaurs were cloned, and it also perfectly suited John Hammond's reputation as a huckster and showman. But if Spielberg had today's technology back in '93, it's quite possible he would have opted to show the real dinosaurs living and breathing in the Cretaceous era 65-million years ago too. Certainly, no one complained about what wonders Spielberg delivered with Jurassic Park at the time, but Jurassic World: Dominion taking advantage of modern advancements in visual effects means the movie can wow fans (and likely Steven Spielberg himself) in a way the legendary director could only dream of almost 30 years ago.


T. Rex Teens May Have Driven Medium-Sized Dinosaur Species Extinct

Saturday, June 19, 2021

New research suggests that as T. rex rose to dominance, their young took over the ecological role of middle-sized predators.

Fast and agile, Tyrannosaurus rex juveniles were able to outcompete other medium-sized dinosaurs and drive them to extinction as the species became more dominant, scientists believe.

Previous research has suggested that these predators disappeared about 80 million years ago due to a lack of prey but a new study, published in the Canadian Journal of Earth Sciences, suggests young tyrannosaurs may be to blame.

“Earlier in the history of dinosaurs, in most communities you’d have a bunch of different types of carnivores of various size ranges from small fox-sized all the way up to the occasional giants,” said Dr Thomas Holtz, a principal lecturer in the University of Maryland’s department of geology in the US.

“Then something happens between 95 and 80 million years ago, where we see a shift. The really big carnivores, larger than an elephant, like tyrannosaurs and their kin, become the apex predators, and the middle-sized predators, say leopard to buffalo-sized carnivores, are either missing or very rare.”

For their study, the researchers looked at an existing record of 60 dinosaur communities that roamed the planet around 201 to 66 million years ago. Analysis showed that in 29 of these communities, T. rex were the largest and most dominant predator, weighing in at over 1,000kg.

In those communities, found in central Asia and North America, middle-sized predators, ranging from 50kg to 1,000kg, were rare or absent around 80 to 66 million years ago, the researchers said.

Holtz and his team then looked for shifts in the number of prey species in those communities, to see if the disappearance of these dinosaurs was linked to changes in their prey. Specifically, they were looking for two types of changes: prey species increasing dramatically in the absence of predators, or prey species dropping off leading to a disappearance in medium-sized predators.

But the researchers did not find any evidence of changes in prey species diversity, which suggests “something continued to fill the ecological role of the missing middle-sized predators”.

They believe young tyrannosaurs, who were faster and more agile than their parents, likely hunted prey in a similar way to medium-sized dinosaurs. As a result, the researchers say it is possible that as T. rex evolved and grew to dominance, their juveniles outcompeted other carnivorous dinosaurs in the middle-size range.

“In those communities where middle-sized predators are gone but the prey species are just as diverse, can we say that no-one is preying upon these middle-sized prey?” Holtz said. “No. That’s almost certainly not the case. It is quite likely juvenile tyrannosaurs took over the ecological role of the missing middle-sized carnivores.”

An alternative explanation may also be possible: something else eliminated the other carnivores and T. rex simply stepped in to fill the gap. More research was needed to understand what happened.

“Ultimately resolving that is going to rely on the most basic first-level aspect of palaeontology, which is boots-on-the-ground and picks in the sediments,” said Holtz. “We need more sampling sites from this interval between about 95 and 80 million years ago.”


Paraceratherium linxiaense: Fossils of New Giant Rhino Species Found in China

Saturday, June 19, 2021

Life reconstruction of Paraceratherium linxiaense. Image credit: Yu Chen.

A new species of the giant rhinoceros genus Paraceratherium has been identified from the fossilized remains found in Gansu Province, northwestern China.

The newly-identified rhino species lived during the Oligocene epoch, around 26.5 million years ago.

Named Paraceratherium linxiaense, it belongs to Paraceratherium, a small genus of extinct hornless rhinos.

“The giant rhino has been considered as one of the largest land mammals that ever lived,” said Professor Tao Deng from the Chinese Academy of Sciences’ Institute of Vertebrate Paleontology and Paleoanthropology and colleagues.

“Its skull and legs are longer than all reported land mammals, but the metapodials (long bones of the hand and feet) are not massive in outline.”

“Its body size was suitable for open woodlands under humid or arid climatic conditions.”

“Except for some remains found in Eastern Europe, Anatolia, and Caucasus, giant rhinos lived mainly in Asia, especially in China, Mongolia, Kazakhstan, and Pakistan.”

“All forms of the giant rhino, including six genera, have been recorded from northwest to southwest China through the Middle Eocene to the Late Oligocene.”

“The genus Paraceratherium was the most widely distributed form of the giant rhino, but aside from East and Central Asia, many records from East Europe and West Asia comprise fragmentary specimens,” they added.

“Only Paraceratherium bugtiense, known from the southwestern corner of the Tibetan Plateau, has ample records and undoubtable taxa identity and is key to the origin and dispersal history of Paraceratherium.”

Phylogenetic relationship of giant rhinos. Image credit: Deng et al., doi: 10.1038/s42003-021-02170-6.

The fossilized remains of Paraceratherium linxiaense — a complete skull and mandible with the associated atlas, and an axis and two thoracic vertebrae of another individual — were recovered from the Jiaozigou Formation of the Linxia Basin in Gansu Province, China, located at the northeastern border of the Tibetan Plateau.

The analysis of the specimens shows that Paraceratherium linxiaense is the highly derived species of its genus.

“We found that all six members of the Paraceratherium genus are sister species to Aralotherium and form a monophyletic clade in which Paraceratherium grangeri is the most primitive, succeeded by Paraceratherium huangheense and Paraceratherium asiaticum,” the paleontologists said.

“We were able to determine that, in the Early Oligocene, Paraceratherium asiaticum dispersed westward to Kazakhstan and its descendant lineage expanded to South Asia as Paraceratherium bugtiense.”

“In the Late Oligocene, Paraceratherium returned northward, crossing the Tibetan area to produce Paraceratherium lepidium to the west in Kazakhstan and Paraceratherium linxiaense to the east in the Linxia Basin.”

“Late Oligocene tropical conditions allowed the giant rhino to return northward to Central Asia, implying that the Tibetan region was still not uplifted as a high-elevation plateau,” Professor Deng said.

“During the Oligocene, the giant rhino could obviously disperse freely from the Mongolian Plateau to South Asia along the eastern coast of the Tethys Ocean and perhaps through Tibet.”

“The topographical possibility that the giant rhino crossed the Tibetan area to reach the Indian-Pakistani subcontinent in the Oligocene can also be supported by other evidence.”

“Up to the Late Oligocene, the evolution and migration from Paraceratherium bugtiense to Paraceratherium linxiaense and Paraceratherium lepidum show that the Tibetan Plateau was not yet a barrier to the movement of the largest land mammal.”

The study was published in the June 17, 2021 edition of the journal Communications Biology.


T. Deng et al. 2021. An Oligocene giant rhino provides insights into Paraceratherium evolution. Commun Biol 4, 639; doi: 10.1038/s42003-021-02170-6


Carnivores: Dinosaur Hunt Review: Slow And Tedious

Friday, June 18, 2021

Carnivores: Dinosaur Hunt is an unexciting first-person shooter about taking down gigantic dinosaurs that often leave the player frustrated.

From the title, Carnivores: Dinosaur Hunt sounds like a game full of excitement, conjuring up images of ferocious battles with gigantic dinosaurs in exotic, pre-historic landscapes. In reality, it's exactly the opposite - a slow, tedious crawl through monotonous levels with little to no reward and a poor currency system that often hinders the player's feeling of progression.

Developed by Digital Dreams Entertainment, Carnivores: Dinosaur Hunt is a first-person shooter that is focused on hunting dinosaurs. The player, armed with a map and a weapon of their choosing, must stalk various species of dinosaurs without alerting them to their presence. Then, as one would expect, it's time to take aim and fire, hopefully bringing down one of the large reptiles to claim a reward.

Unfortunately, the actual hunting process is never as fun as it would seem on paper. Although there is a map to work with, the dinosaurs are often spaced far apart or too close together, causing dull traversal for what seems like miles to encounter one of the creatures or to scare all of them off with one missed or unsuccessful shot.

Carnivores: Dinosaur Hunt tries to help players by implementing a "breathing" system, which hypothetically lets players see weak points on each dinosaur by pressing a button to breathe while aiming, but even when lining up the shot shot, it's still rarely an efficient take down. Instead, the dinosaur often requires at least one more shot to kill, which would be fine except getting shot scares it (understandable), and it runs off as fast as possible, and scattershot subsequent fire is much less accurate and much more infuriating to experience.

This is important because ammo is a coveted resource in Carnivores: Dinosaur Hunt. In each level, there is only a limited amount of ammunition, and once it's exhausted, that particular run is over. There's never any chance to get more, which makes it even more frustrating when ammo is wasted because a dinosaur ends up bolting.

There is a form of in-game currency that can be used to upgrade weapons but the problem is that the same currency is used to unlock weapon upgrades, character upgrades and hunting licenses, and it's not always easy to acquire. The player is gifted currency by successfully killing a dinosaur and transporting it back to base; however, the amount each dinosaur yields is often quite low and not enough to quickly rack up points to unlock new upgrades or licenses.

Because of the currency limitations, the player is often put in a loop of saving up money to unlock new licenses to make more money to unlock more upgrades, which is frustrating because without the upgrades, it's difficult to kill dinosaurs and without killing dinosaurs, there's no way to buy upgrades.

Carnivores: Dinosaur Hunt isn't all bad. It's still a thrilling accomplishment to take down huge dinosaurs like a tyrannosaurus rex or a triceratops after following them around, hiding in the bushes with a gun poised and ready to fire. Unfortunately, the tediousness of the hunt outweighs much of that excitement, and the slow progression system often feels like a hinderance instead of motivation to keep playing. There are quite a few moments to enjoy, especially for gamers that might prefer methodical shooters, but Carnivores: Dinosaur Hunt still manages to trip over its own feet, making hunting dinosaurs feel more like a chore and less like a triumphant conquest of enormous reptilian beasts.

RELATED ARTICLE: 10 Best Video Games For Fans Of The Jurassic Park Series

Carnivores: Dinosaur Hunt is available now on Nintendo Switch, PlayStation 4, and Xbox One. Screen Rant was provided with a digital PS4 code for the purpose of this reivew.


Oculudentavis is Bizarre Lizard, Not Bird-Like Dinosaur

Wednesday, June 16, 2021

An artist’s impression of Oculudentavis naga, which was between 5 and 8 cm (2-3 inches) long, not including its tail. Image credit: Stephanie Abramowicz / Peretti Museum Foundation / Current Biology.

In 2020, paleontologists described an ancient species, Oculudentavis khaungraae, based on a tiny skull trapped in a piece of Cretaceous-period amber from Myanmar. Several unusual features led to its identification as the smallest bird-like dinosaur on record, comparable to the smallest living hummingbirds. In a new paper published in the journal Current Biology, they describe a more complete specimen that demonstrates Oculudentavis is actually a bizarre lizard.

The newly-identified reptile species, named Oculudentavis naga, is represented by a partial skeleton that includes a complete skull, exquisitely preserved in 99-million-year-old amber with visible scales and soft tissue.

Dr. Arnau Bolet from the University of Bristol and the Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona and colleagues used CT scans to separate, analyze and compare each bone in the two specimens digitally, uncovering a number of physical characteristics that earmark the small animals as lizards.

Oculudentavis is so strange, however, it was difficult to categorize without close examination of its features,” Dr. Bolet said.

“The specimen puzzled all of us at first because if it was a lizard, it was a highly unusual one.”

“From the moment we uploaded the first CT scan, everyone was brainstorming what it could be,” said Dr. Juan Diego Daza, a researcher at Sam Houston State University.

“In the end, a closer look and our analyses help us clarify its position.”

CT scans of this fossilized Oculudentavis naga showcase the specimen’s scales, skin and soft tissue. Image credit: Stephanie Abramowicz / Peretti Museum Foundation / Current Biology.

Major clues that the mystery animal was a lizard included the presence of scales; teeth attached directly to its jawbone, rather than nestled in sockets, as dinosaur teeth were; lizard-like eye structures and shoulder bones; and a hockey stick-shaped skull bone that is universally shared among scaled reptiles, also known as squamates.

The paleontologists also determined both species’ skulls had deformed during preservation.

Oculudentavis khaungraae’s snout was squeezed into a narrower, more beaklike profile while Oculudentavis naga’s braincase — the part of the skull that encloses the brain — was compressed. The distortions highlighted birdlike features in one skull and lizard-like features in the other.

Photograph, computed tomography scans and interpretive drawings of the Oculudentavis khaungraaea specimen: (a) photograph of the amber piece with skull ventrolaterally exposed; scan (b) and drawing (c), left lateral view; scan (d) and drawing (e), rostral view; scan (f) and drawing (g), occipital view; scan (h) and drawing (i), dorsal view. Abbreviations: de – dentary, fr – frontal, hy – hyoid bone (or bones), jg – jugal, la – lacrimal, mx – maxilla, pa – parietal, pm – premaxilla, po – postorbital, qd – quadrate, sc – scleral ossicle, so – supraoccipital, sq – squamosal, th – teeth. Scale bars – 5 mm; longer scale bar below (b) applies to (b-i). Image credit: Xing et al, doi: 10.1038/s41586-020-2068-4.

“Imagine taking a lizard and pinching its nose into a triangular shape. It would look a lot more like a bird,” said Dr. Edward Stanley, director of the Digital Discovery and Dissemination Laboratory at the Florida Museum of Natural History.

In the better-preserved specimen of Oculudentavis naga, the researchers were also able to identify a raised crest running down the top of the snout and a flap of loose skin under the chin that may have been inflated in display.

However, they came up short in their attempts to find Oculudentavis’ exact position in the lizard family tree.

“It’s a really weird animal. It’s unlike any other lizard we have today. We think it represents a group of squamates we were not aware of,” Dr. Daza said.


Arnau Bolet et al. Unusual morphology in the mid-Cretaceous lizard OculudentavisCurrent Biology, published online June 14, 2021; doi: 10.1016/j.cub.2021.05.040


Please Don’t Do a Jurassic World Fast and Furious Crossover

Monday, June 14, 2021

At this moment it sounds as though the notion of a Jurassic World/Fast and Furious crossover is being pushed simply for the fun of it and to see how many people are going to take it seriously.

The fact is that of the two franchises, people are thinking that it would be more feasible in favor of the Fast and Furious franchise than it would for Jurassic World, simply because when looking at the two, Jurassic World is actually the more grounded. Yeah, you read that right, Jurassic World is more grounded than Fast and Furious. There’s an explanation there and it’s pretty simple since the Fast and the Furious have a pair of characters going into space with a jet engine strapped to a car in the upcoming F9 movie, where Jurassic World is featuring a landscape where dinosaurs have been introduced and are now challenging humans for territory. The latter is a little more grounded in reality, not much, but a little, since the dinosaurs were brought back using methods that aren’t scientifically sound but have more basis in reality than a movie that features street racers being recruited by a shadow agency to help do their dirty work in retrieving items and destroying them when necessary.

Playing along with the joke, these two franchises might appear to deserve each other since they’re both stretching the reality they’re based around in a very profound manner. If anyone thinks that the life of a street racer can lead them to the same places as Dom and his crew then they need a serious reality check since street racing is more likely to get them incarcerated. In terms of Jurassic World, there have been plenty of rumors in recent years about scientists wanting to clone dinosaurs, but the thing is that without DNA, which is bound to be pretty degraded after millions of years, it’s not bound to happen. Anything that might be created in a lab would be a living, breathing creature, but it wouldn’t be the same. Mashing these two together in a movie would be insane but it’s something that a lot of people might actually push for.

Seriously, some folks might love to see this, in fact, it’s easy to imagine Roman running from a T.Rex or a velociraptor, shouting in his customary style and talking about teeth marks on his backside perhaps. It would kind of depend on who else would be in the movie as to how they would all react since each one of the team would be likely to do something different. But it’s fair to say that if this does happen that it would be like an upgraded version of Sharknado, meaning that it would be the A-List spoof movie without actually being a spoof movie. Yeah, it sounds awkward, but so does the idea.

This is the kind of cowboys vs. aliens type of idea that has been pushed by kids all over the world when playing with different toys, imagining what might happen if a G.I. Joe encountered a dinosaur, or if a Transformer met up with a dragon from a fantasy story, and so on and so forth. It’s a mash that people have thought up for a long time now, a mismatch of epic proportions that a lot of people want to see just because it hasn’t happened lately. There is some interest obviously since some people figure that if a good enough story can be told to link the different elements that it wouldn’t matter who or what was in the movie. But if this ever does happen then the credibility of both franchises, which is already walking a very fine line, could possibly lessen simply because, well, this is kind of a ludicrous idea. It’s not exactly a desire to see stories kept apart that fuels this idea, but a desire to see both franchises keep to their respective lanes, which have worked thus far.

Keeping the two franchises separate sounds like the best idea at this time, especially since it sounds as though both of them are looking to keep expanding, and there’s plenty of room for both of them to grow without running into one another. Granted, some franchises can mingle and make it work since their premises are close enough to each other and the suspension of belief has already taken full effect. But when two franchises are this different and are bound to be smashed together like a child wielding clay in one hand and playdough in the other, there’s a bit of concern to be had at that moment. In order to keep both franchises moving forward in the successful manner they have been it’s better to keep them separate, no matter how badly people want to see if Dom and his crew can handle a dinosaur.


Instinction Looks Like Jurassic Park Trespasser 2

Monday, June 14, 2021

The upcoming dinosaur horror survival game, Instinction, looks like it could be a spiritual successor to the Jurassic Park game Trespasser.

Although E3 2021 featured a new installment into the Jurassic Park game franchise with Jurassic World Evolution 2's new trailer, Hashbane's Instinction may have set the bar in terms of expectations for dinosaur-based games. The small New Zealand developer showcased some impressive content during E3's Future Game Show in a brand new trailer, harkening back to a time of gaming that might feel as though it was 65 million years ago.

Instinction was initially announced earlier in February 2021 with a concept trailer. Though the trailer didn't turn the heads of many casual gamers, the premise of a modern dinosaur horror survival game certainly appealed to many. Hashbane has previously said that Instinction is meant to be somewhat of a spiritual successor to Capcom's Dino Crisis games from the early 2000s. However, the trailer also invokes an even older dinosaur survival game.

The Instinction trailer, which debuted at E3 (via Games Radar), features a semi-futuristic laboratory populated by humans. However, they are not alone as the woods and landscape around them are filled with dinosaurs. In the trailer, several dinosaurs which appeared to be Triceratops, Pterodactyl, and Spinosaurus, roamed the landscape while hunting (or being hunted by) the humans. The human characters shown are equipped with modern weapons, so it does not seem that Instinction is set in the very distant future.

The trailer features many scenes of lush landscapes and a vast valley, though it is not clear where Instinction takes place. There is also little known about the plot of the game, save for the text line "we came to protect them." It would appear, therefore, that the game takes place at some research facility. It may also be possible that there will be human enemies or some other external force attacking the dinosaurs that players may have to combat.

While the game has drawn comparisons to Dino Crisis, it's hard to not draw comparisons to another, even older, dinosaur survival game: Trespasser. The game, released in 1998, was itself a spiritual sequel to The Lost World: Jurassic Park. Taking place on year after the events of the movie, the player found themselves stranded on Isla Sorna, needing to evade dinosaurs and seek rescue. Trespasser even featured the voice of Richard Attenborough, who played Jurassic Park founder John Hammond in the first two movies of the series. Though not as well-known as Dino Crisis, the Trespasser game was notable for its stripped-down gameplay. Whichever game players draw comparisons to, Instinction looks to be a worthy successor.

Source: Games Radar/Youtube /

Jurassic World Evolution 2 Coming This Year

Saturday, June 12, 2021

Frontier Development has announced Jurassic World Evolution 2, the sequel to its dinosaur park simulation. Frontier Developments has confirmed that it is to release a sequel later this year to its popular park management simulation Jurassic World: Evolution for PC, PlayStation, and Xbox consoles. I said they would announce it on the big screen at this summer’s Game Fest kick-off, and Jeff Goldblum found a way to get to introduce the new trailer.

Evolution 2, announced by the Jurassic franchise and starring Jeff Goldblum at Summer Game Fest, is under construction and will be based on the game of its predecessor, allowing players to build their own theme park full of dinosaurs.  The world premiere of the announcement included pre-rendered footage and ended with confirmation that the film will arrive later this year.

Evolution 2 will be released on PC, PlayStation, and Xbox in late 2021. It will be available on PC through Steam and the Epic Games Store, as well as for PS5, PS4, Xbox Series X, and Xbox One. The game will also be available later in 2021 on Xbox One and Xbox Series S and S. Jurassic World: Evolutions 2 will be released in late 2021 on PC and PlayStation 4, Xbox One, and PlayStation X and S.

Jurassic World Evolution 2 is underway, and it’s coming out later this year. Universal Games Digital Platform has unveiled the trailer for Jurassic World: Evolution 2. It builds on its groundbreaking and immersive predecessor in a way you’ll love.

The trailer for the sequel to the video game Jurassic World: Evolution, which was released featured a voiceover by Jeff Goldblum, who reprises his role as Dr. Ian Malcolm.

Jurassic World Evolution 2 is based on the blockbuster movie franchise from Universal Pictures and was developed in collaboration with Universal Games Digital Platform. Jurassic World Evolution 2 is the highly anticipated sequel to Jurassic World and Evolution, which builds on the first game and offers players an exciting front seat as they take over their own Jurassic World park. The game is called Jurassic World evolution 2 and created by Frontier Development, the studio responsible for the first Jurassic World game and the other Planet Zoo and Planet Coaster games.

Jurassic World Evolution 2, the highly anticipated sequel to the hugely successful Jurassic World: Evolution, provides fans with all they need to create an authentic and compelling Jurassic World experience. Fronted by cast members from the Universal Pictures “Blockbuster franchise, it offers fans a brand new immersive storytelling campaign and exciting new features like four captivating game modes and an expanded and expanded list of dinosaurs. JWE 2 is the first game in which players can build their park within the boundaries of the 5 Islands chain. Each location brings new terrain and challenges for players, which they must overcome with deep, detailed management tools and creative options.

The highly anticipated sequel to Jurassic World: Evolution is not just another Jurassic World game, but the star of the series for all our dinosaurs, including brand new prehistoric species.


Jurassic World 3 Trailer Won't Be Releasing For A While

Sunday, June 13, 2021

Exclusive: Colin Trevorrow has no idea when the full trailer for Jurassic World 3 will drop, but he says there will many teasers before the premiere.

A trailer for Jurassic World: Dominion won't be out anytime soon. Originating in 1993 with a highly successful movie by Steven Spielberg, the Jurassic Park movie franchise was later retooled by Colin Trevorrow, who released the first Jurassic World film in 2015. The movie was a massive hit at the box office, and it spawned a sequel, Jurassic World: Fallen Kingdom, helmed by J. A. Bayona. Now, a third film, Jurassic World: Dominion, is also in the pipeline, and it is expected to give the Jurassic World trilogy a supersized farewell. Plot details for the upcoming movie are still slim, although Universal Pictures has already scheduled it for theatrical release on June 10, 2022.

Though very little is known about Jurassic World: Dominion, the movie has still managed to create a lot of buzz, mostly thanks to the talents that have been announced for the film. Jurassic World mainstays Chris Pratt, Bryce Dallas Howard, and BD Wong are all returning for the third movie, as are Laura Dern, Sam Neill, and Jeff Goldblum, who headlined Spielberg's Jurassic Park films. Previously, Trevorrow had indicated that he was planning to kick off the marketing campaign for Jurassic World: Dominion soon. He had even hinted towards the arrival of a trailer, leaving fans decidedly enthusiastic. But now, it appears that the wait to catch the first glimpse of Jurassic World: Dominion will be longer, as Trevorrow is skeptical about starting promotions.

In his exclusive interview with Screen Rant, ahead of F9's IMAX preview, Trevorrow revealed that he doesn't know when the full trailer for Jurassic World: Dominion will drop. He said that he is currently working on making a trailer available to everyone, and he can't wait for audiences to catch his movie in cinemas next year. While Trevorrow's comments may offer disheartening news concerning Jurassic World: Dominion's trailer, there is still a silver lining as his remarks suggest that there will be plenty of trailers before the movie goes up in theaters.

"I don’t know yet, but this is what we’re doing for everyone - hopefully many people will be able to see this as possible. But I promise there will be trailers galore. I just can’t wait for everyone to come and see the movie next year. It’s going to be a blast."

The wait for Jurassic World: Dominion has been longer than expected as it was one of the many films affected by COVID-19. The movie had to pause production several times, and it was even delayed a full year to its present premiere date. Yet, despite the hold-up, the movie managed to get back on track, and is now making active progress. Recently, some new information about the movie's dinosaurs was revealed, confirming that the Giganotosaurus will have a big role in the movie. Additionally, it's also been disclosed that Jurassic World: Dominion will include the Oviraptor, a feathered dinosaur discovered only two years ago. And as for the premise, it's been confirmed that the new movie takes place four years after the events of Fallen Kingdom, possibly during a time when there is a full-blown infestation of dinosaurs in human society.

Given that there is a whole year before Jurassic World: Dominion bows in cinemas, it's not a cause of concern if the movie isn't dropping its trailer soon. Hollywood blockbusters typically release trailers six to eight months before the premiere, meaning that the movie has time until the end of this year to unveil its first footage. Moreover, the absence of a trailer doesn't mean that the movie will sit dormant. Several posters and set images from Jurassic World: Dominion are already out there. And then there's the exclusive preview that's attached to F9's IMAX release, which teases the movie's trip back to the Cretaceous period. That said, it won't be until the release of Jurassic World: Dominion's full trailer that the full scope of what's in store for the finale will be revealed.


Jurassic World’s 7 New Dinosaur Species In Dominion’s IMAX Preview Explained

Saturday, June 12, 2021

Jurassic World: Dominion isn't just relying on dinosaurs fans have seen before. The sequel is introducing 7 new dino species that really existed.

Jurassic World: Dominion will introduce seven new dinosaur species never seen in the franchise before. Directed by Colin Trevorrow, Dominion will not only conclude the Jurassic World trilogy but it will also end the six-film saga that began with Steven Spielberg's Jurassic Park in 1993. An IMAX preview with five minutes of Jurassic World: Dominion footage will play in front of Fast & Furious 9 and it will be fans' first glimpse at the hotly anticipated film, which will release in June 2022.

Set four years after the events of Jurassic World: Fallen KingdomDominion sees humanity forced to co-exist with dinosaurs that have proliferated since they were brought to the mainland and set free into the wild. Dominion will also bring back Jurassic Park legacy heroes Dr. Alan Grant (Sam Neill), Dr. Ellie Sattler (Laura Dern), and Dr. Ian Malcolm (Jeff Goldblum), who will meet Jurassic World's lead couple, Owen Grady (Chris Pratt) and Claire Dearing (Bryce Dallas Howard). Of course, the franchise's fan-favorite dinosaurs will also return, such as the T-Rex, Blue the Velociraptor, and the Mosasaurus. But Jurassic World 3 is also introducing a plethora of new dinosaurs, both in the main story and in Dominion's prologue, which is set 65 million years ago in the Cretaceous Era.

The Jurassic World movies introduced the concept of hybrid dinosaurs such as the Indominus Rex, the Indoraptor, and the Scorpios Rex, which were the villains of the first two Jurassic World movies and of Netflix's Jurassic World: Camp Cretaceous. However, Jurassic World: Dominion will have no hybrid creatures; instead, the film will focus on the numerous species of dinosaurs that really existed (and do exist in the movie's universe). Along with seeing familiar dinos, Jurassic World: Dominion will spotlight all-new prehistoric beasts, including a couple that were newly discovered by real-world paleontologists. Here's what we know so far about the seven new dinosaurs in Jurassic World: Dominion.

Jurassic World: Dominion's 7 New Dinosaur Species Explained

Dreadnoughtus - A massive new sauropod similar to the Brachiosaurus, the bones of the Dreadnoughtus were only discovered in real life in 2005. The herbivore makes its Jurassic World debut in Dominion's prologue.

Quetzalcoatlus - The Pteranodons were introduced in Jurassic Park III and returned in the first two Jurassic World movies but the Quetzalcoatlus is an even bigger and scarier winged dinosaur. The Pteranodons even treat the Quetzalcoatlus as an alpha.

Nasutoceratops - The Nasutoceratops is similar to the Triceratops and the Sinoteratops but this huge dinosaur has shorter horns extending from below the bony armored plate in its head.

Iguanodon - The Iguanadon is another large herbivore that debuts in Jurassic World: Dominion and is sighted briefly in the film's Cretaceous prologue.

Oviraptor - The Oviraptor is a feathered dinosaur that's similar to the Velociraptor but smaller in scale. It's one of the first dinosaurs with feathers in the Jurassic franchise, which is more scientifically accurate.

Moros intrepidus - Moros intrepidus is a feathered dinosaur that resembles a tiny T-Rex. Discovered only two years ago in real life, Moros intrepidus is the fastest case of a new, real-life dino discovery being included in a Jurassic movie.

Gigantosaurus - Jurassic World: Dominion also introduces a huge new apex predator in the Gigantosaurus, which battles the T-Rex in the Cretaceous period. However, the Gigantosaurus also appears in the present-day story of Jurassic World: Dominion so it may be a threat that Alan Grant, Ellie Sattler, Ian Malcolm, Owen Grady, and Claire Dearing will have to face.

